大E 每天中午都會吃一根香蕉. 有時候香蕉沒吃完放到都快爛掉了又覺得可惜. 最近手一直很癢得想烘培, 所以就乾脆索性的把香蕉用掉變成大E 愛吃的香蕉杯子蛋糕. 感謝網友一芳 (YiFang Shen) 的食譜. 做出來的杯子蛋糕非常的柔軟. 更讚的是這個烘培居然是一鍋到底的蛋糕!!! 全部丟進去拉拉ㄟ就好了! 夠簡單, 也不用洗太多東西. (Pei媽最討厭的就是洗烘培的東西了, 超多超阿紮!)
熟香蕉 2 根 Ripe banana 2
雞蛋 2 個 Whole eggs 2
有機全脂牛奶 1/2 杯 Organic whole milk 1/2 cup
中筋麵粉 1+ 2/3 杯 All purpose flour 1 and 2/3 cup
糖 1 + 1/4 杯 Sugar 1 + 1/4 cup
香草精 1 小匙 Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
無鋁砲打粉 1 小匙 Aluminum free baking powder 1 teaspoon
奶油 1 條 (113g) Butter 1 stick (113g)
把奶油先融化. 然後把香蕉用叉子壓碎成泥. 再把融化奶油, 鮮奶, 香草精攪拌均勻
Melted the stick of butter first. After that, used a fork and smash the banana until in puree form. Pour in melted butter, milk, and vanilla extract. Stirred very well.
把低筋麵粉篩過, 加進去. 加入糖, 還有無鋁泡打粉
Sifted the all purpose flour. Add in the flour, sugar and aluminum free baking powder.
用打蛋器把所有的材料都混和均勻, 如果太濃稠, 可以適當的多加一點牛奶 (每個牌子的麵粉吸水量都不一樣)
Use an egg mixer and mix all the ingredient well. If it's too thick, you can add more milk. (Every brand of flour absorb liquid differently)
把麵糊均勻的放進去烤模中, 大約九分滿
Put the mixture inside the baking pan evenly. About 90% full.
預熱烤箱到 330F/165~170C, 放進去烤 40 分鐘 (每個人的烤箱都不一樣, 自己斟酌溫度跟烘烤時間喔)
Preheat the oven to 330F or 165~170C. Baked for 40 minutes. (Everyone's oven is different, be sure to adjust the temperature and baking time accordingly)
要看蛋糕有沒有熟, 可以用牙籤測試. 如果戳進去出來沒有任何沾黏表示已經好了
To test if the cupcake is done, all you need to do is stick a toothpick into the cake; if there is no residue, then the cake is done
Let them cool off on the tray
超級柔軟的啦! 超級適合下午茶
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