我很少用酒做料理, 因為如果小孩子要吃怕酒精沒有完全的蒸發, 我家就會有一個小關公了. 可是這道菜卻是我非常喜歡的. 甜酒的味道, 還有濃郁的奶香, 搭配上有嚼勁的麵條還有清爽的蔬菜, 又是一道一鍋到底的料理. 這個料理也符合 Ee爸的西方味覺! 想要吃一下西餐的可以試試看喔!
材料 Ingredients:
無骨無皮雞胸肉 4 塊 Boneless, skinless chicken breasts 4
切片的蘑菇 1.5 杯 Sliced mushroom 1.5 cup
瑪薩拉甜酒 0.5 杯 (甜的, 不是乾的). Marsala wine 0.5 cup (sweet, not dry)
雞高湯 0.5 杯 (可用蔬菜高湯代替) Chicken broth 0.5 cup (can substitute with veggie broth)
鮮奶油 0.5 杯 Heavy cream 0.5 cup
麵條 2-3 人份 Pasta noodles 2-3 servings
調味料 Seasoning:
橄欖油, 黑胡椒, 鹽巴適量 Olive oil, black pepper and salt appropriate amount
把蘑菇切成片, 雞肉切成薄片
Sliced the mushroom and sliced the chicken breasts into thin strip
Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper
用一個有深度的鍋子, 熱橄欖油, 然後先把雞胸肉煎 8-9 分熟. 把雞肉拿起來放旁邊
Use a deep cooking pan, put in olive oil, and cook the chicken breast until 80%-90% done and then put it aside
用同一個鍋子, 把油蔥炒到軟
Using the same pan, saute the chopped onion first
炒到半熟以後, 放入蘑菇再炒, 並且加入少許的胡椒跟鹽巴
After the onion is about half cooked, put in all of the sliced mushroom and salt and pepper for seasoning
蘑菇變軟的時候, 放入瑪薩拉酒
When mushrooms are soften, put in the sweet marsala wine
再加入高湯 (雞高湯或者是蔬菜高湯)
Add in the stock (chicken or veggie)
Add in heavy cream
After the sauce comes to a boil, add in the chicken breasts that were cooked earlier
等義大利麵煮好以後, 可以放進去伴一伴, 或者是直接把醬汁跟雞肉淋在義大利麵上喔!
After the pasta is cooked, you can add it to the chicken marsala sauce; or you can just add the sauce on top of the pasta.
整個欲罷不能的一直吃! 喜歡濃一點醬汁, 可以小滾久一點
If you liked your sauce to be thicker, you can boil the sauce for a bit longer.
這個當隔天餐也很棒喔! 希望大家會喜歡!
今天又做了一次, 發現用雞柳條的 size 更剛好喔! 都不用再切, 直接省了一道手續了!
Pei媽&E大e小 Copyright © 2016
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