從社團學來的 愛與恨老師的配方. 做出了這個香噴噴軟綿綿牽絲在牽絲的古早味奶香包. 真的不是蓋的. 做法也超級簡單, 讓我塵封已久的烘培雞絲再度開啟. 我會建議大家先按照原本的食譜去做喔, 不要隨意更改量. 這個配方式高水量的, 所以用手揉可能會想斷手. 我用我的 KA 小紅攪拌器速度 3 打了 20 分鐘才好的. 大家趕快試試看, 超級讚的味道.
高筋麵粉 500g Bread Flour 500g
細砂糖 100g Sugar 100g
鹽 7.5g Salt 7.5g
奶粉 15g Dry milk powder 15g
無鹽奶油 80g Unsalted butter 80g
速發酵母 7.5g Instant yeast 7.5g
牛奶 265g Milk 265g
雞蛋 2個 @ 100g Egg 2 @ 100g in total
**抹麵包的蛋液, 還有中間隙縫擠出來的奶油, 還有烤好以後刷表面的奶油不包括在食譜的份量裡面**
**奶油要先提早拿出來放軟. 拿一點放進去一個塑膠袋, 要擠的時候剪一個小洞就可以了**
**Egg wash for brushing the dough, unsalted butter for in between the bread, and melted unsalted butter for brushing the surface are not included in the recipe**
**Be sure to take the butter out back to room temperature. Take a portion of it and put it in a plastic bag and cut a little hole when it's ready to be used**
把所有的材料放在一起, 形成光滑表面的麵團, 容器蓋上一塊濕布, 然後基本發酵夏天 15 分鐘, 冬天 30 分鐘
Mix all the ingredients together until the surface is smooth. Cover the container with a wet cloth.
Let it rest and proof for 15 minutes in the summer, 30 minutes in the winter.
**Add the liquid in slowly**
把麵團分割成一樣等份, 一個約 60-70g. 我的小麵團一個是 65g, 滾圓以後, 蓋上濕布, 在鬆弛 15 分鐘
Divide the dough into equal portion. Each portion is around 60-70g. My portion is ab out 65g each.
Roll the dough into a round shape. Cover it with a wet cloth, and let it rest for 15 minutes.
開始整形! 把滾圓的小麵團搓成長圓錐狀 (可以 Youtube 滾法, 用文字敘述有點難)
Time to shape the dough! Roll out the round dough by hands into a cylinder long shape.
Feel free to Youtube how to do this step, it's hard to describe with words.
Flat out the dough with a rolling pin.
再從上面 (圓的頭) 開始往下捲
Starting the top (where it's round) and roll the dough downwards.
Side view
好了以後全部排整齊, 中間留一點空間開始第二階段發酵 50 分鐘, 直到每個 1.5 倍大
Line up the bread with some space in between them.
Begin second stage proofing for 50 minutes (longer if it's dry and cold) until each one is about 1.5 times in size
預熱烤箱上火 160C, 下火 170C, (如果只有一個溫度, 就上火加上下火除以 2). 中間隙縫擠上室溫的奶油, 刷上全蛋液, 進入烤 30-35 分鐘. 每個人的烤箱個性都不一樣, 所以溫度跟時間自己斟酌.
Preheat the oven, top for 160C, bottom for 170C (If you only have one temperature, add the two numbers together and divide by 2)
Squeeze in some room temperature butter in between each bread, brush on egg wash and put it in the oven for 30-35 minutes until golden.
Everyone's oven is different, be sure to adjust the temperature and time accordingly.
出爐啦~~ 香噴噴, 表面刷上融化奶油就可以了!
Brush on some melted unsalted butter on top when it's done!
我也做了第二次, 因為要照顧大E 小e 沒時間, 就直接滾圓當成餐包, 也可以做成吐司喔!
Pei媽跟一位老師, No 媽開了一個臉書社團
“快樂的孩子: 評估之前&之後”
這 是一個不公開社團讓大家討論有關遲緩, 自閉兒, 感覺統合失調還有比較難以啟齒的育兒話題跟問題. 也是一個讓有比較特殊孩子的爸媽一起來這邊分享跟舒壓. 別人不懂你們的, 我們懂. 別人不知道怎麼回答你問題的, 我們或許可以幫忙. 只是我跟 No 媽 不是醫生喔! 如果有需要還是請專業的評估比較好喔! 歡迎大家入社喔!
有 些媽媽會私訊或者是留言問我大E 的玩具或者是用品哪裡可以買的到, 大家可以在"媽咪私房GO" 裡面看團媽有開什麼團. 團媽們會團美國, 日本, 泰國, 台灣跟韓國的物品. 如果沒有看到你喜歡的物品, 你也可以直接跟團媽們許願喔! 希望大家能夠一起來互推火坑敗家!
Pei媽&E大e小 Copyright © 2016
來我的粉絲頁逛逛吧! 有更多的生活點滴分享喔!