華人世界各地都有. 有華人集中多的地方, 亞洲食品就會越來越多. 可是如果你像 Pei媽一樣住在華人不多又很偏僻的國外地區的話, 想要吃道地的台灣小吃只能用想的啦! 記得小時候放學的時候, 經過一個用小卡車當作攤位的賣蔥油餅夫婦. 他們每天固定在那個地方都會出現. 我們一大群下午放學餓死了的學生都會去那邊吃. 一份大大的蔥油餅, 熱熱的吃下肚又很滿足. 加顆蛋只要多台幣 10 塊錢. 這種好料好康在國外怎麼可能找的到? 那天想到兒時的回憶就突然想吃有白胡椒的味道, 酥脆的外皮, 軟嫩的內皮, 夾帶著綠油油的蔥的辛香的蔥油餅!!! 都嘴饞了還能怎麼辦呢? 只好自己動手做啦~
材料: |
Ingredients: |
1. 中筋麵粉 600g 2. 熱水 250g 3. 冷水 120g 4. 鹽巴 10g 5. 橄欖油 適量 6. 白胡椒粉 適量 7. 蔥花 適量 |
1. All purpose flour 600g 2. Boiling water 250g 3. Cold water 120g 4. Salt 10g 5. Olive oil (appropriate amount) 6. White ground pepper (appropriate amount) 7. Chopped up scallions (approprpiate amount) |
1. 把麵粉跟鹽巴加在一起. 把熱水直接倒進去麵粉裡面, 然後馬上倒到冷水, 再用筷子或者是攪拌器攪拌直到成團
***記得用筷子或者是攪拌器, 不然會被熱水燙到喔!***
1. Mix the flour and salt together. Pour the hot water into the flour, immediately after that, add in the cold water, and stir with a pair of chopsticks or a mixer until dough is formed.
***Remember to use a pair of chopsticks or a mixer to avoid burning from the hot water!***
2. 麵團成形以後, 先不用揉到光滑, 用濕布蓋上, 鬆弛 30 分鐘
2. When the dough is formed, don't need to knead the dough until smooth just yet. Cover it with a wet cloth, and let it rest for 30 minutes.
3. 鬆弛過後, 把麵團在揉成光滑面團
3. After the dough has rested, knead the dough until the surface is smooth
4. 把麵團分割成 5 份一樣大小的小麵糰
4. Divide the dough into 5 equal portion
4. 把麵團稈平, 不要太薄也不要太厚. 太薄在捲綠蔥的面皮會破掉. 抹上一層橄欖油, 撒上白胡椒, 在把綠蔥擺上去
***可以使用豬油, 會比較香, 可是我沒有而且享健康一點, 所以用橄欖油***
4. Roll out the dough into a flat rectangle, not too thick nor too thin. (if it's too thin, it will break when you roll up with green onions). Brush on a layer of olive oil, put some ground white pepper, and then some green onions on top.
***Feel free to use lard, it will be crispier!*
5. 把麵皮捲起來, 捲好以後再滾一滾讓他平均
5. Roll up the flatten dough. After the dough is rolled up, roll it once more to make the dough more even
6. 再把捲好的麵皮像蝸牛一樣的往內捲起來
6. Roll the dough inward like a snail
7. 放進去塑膠袋裡面, 放進去冷藏一個小時 (放隔夜更好, 或者是放冷凍庫)
7. Put it in a plastic bag, and put it in the fridge for at least an hour. (Overnight will be better, or put it in the freezer)
8. 冷藏過一個小時以後, 比較好桿開, 時間越久越容易. 再不破掉的情況下, 桿的越薄越好
8. It's easier to roll out the dough once it's been in the fridge for at least an hour; the longer the better. Flatten the dough as much as you can.
9. 放一點油, 用中小火, 不要等油過熱, 在煎到黃金色, 香酥脆就可以了!
9. Put in a little bit of vegetable oil and pan fried it until crispy golden brown. Use medium low heat and don't wait until the oil is too hot.
最後一片今天被我吃完了, 結果吃完了還很不過癮, 在來做一次阿~~~
越吃越ㄕㄨㄚˋ 嘴. 停不下來啦~加顆蛋馬上就變成蔥油蛋餅囉! 再來杯豆漿或者牛奶, 就是好吃的早餐或者是點心囉!
Pei媽&E大e小 Copyright © 2016
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